Friday, November 12, 2004


Don't know if the chill in the air is the weather or some of the comments to my posts?

Been a long week, but not an entirely bad week. Football Sunday and Monday, Bowled well Tuesday, threw my best night of darts of the season last night.

But there is one touch of bad news this week. My favorite TV show has basicly been fraged like a pink armored goon from Halo2. TheScreenSavers on G4TechTV is being "revamped" as they say. Ever since G4 has taken over TechTV, they have run it into the ground. They are making it all about gaming and not about computers. If I want to see a gaming review I WILL GOTO THE GAMES WEBSITE OR IGN!!! I want to see and hear people calling in about their computer problems! I want to see Yoshi break out another great mod that will inspire people like me to mod their own computer pimp style. I want to see Sarah looking cute as ever but show us some really cool stuff that I am too dumb to understand (smart chicks are cool).

Its a bad day, but to all those who got let go by G4...All my best. Thanks for the happiness that you have given me. I am sure that you all will move on to even better things because the good ones always do.

But as for me, after I send my nastygram to G4...I am writing my cable company to drop the channel. No reason to watch it anymore (which I have heard that many have already dropped the channel on their dish and cable companies since they only paid the extra for all those channels to watch that one station) and maybe we can get something "decent" in its place.

Well...heading up to see the family in a few hours...should be a good weekend.


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