Sunday, October 16, 2005

WTF is wrong with people?

Ok...I can understand you are upset about being poor or something but please!

Why the F would you burn down your neighborhood?

Why the F do people riot like this?

Sure, you don't like what is going on (sure...A white supremacist group is demonstrating...Yes...That's not good. But still...) but why the hell do you burn down your own neighborhood?

These "people" were even throwing baseball size rocks at ambulances!

Do you really think that these people that had rocks thrown at their windshields while they were coming to aid people of YOUR neighborhood will even want to ever help you again? Do you really think that when they find out that there is a call again to that neighborhood that they will really hurry to get there to help anyone?

I just can't believe the stupidity of people!

How bout you think about HELPING your neighborhood instead of DESTROYING it!

Did not you people even watch places like LA when they destroyed their neighborhoods?

It's not that damn hard to figure out! Get a damn education! The rest of us did! IT'S FREE!!!!!


Blogger Stepping Stones said...

So endeth the lesson..but sadly, the only ones who learned anything are probably the ones who lost the the men w/ that bar. Stupid people do stupid things. Doesn't make it right, but it sure makes you want to smack em in the back of the head and tell em to grow up!

10/16/2005 11:56:00 PM  

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