Thursday, October 13, 2005

You can't have my money...There isn't any left!

We just had our annual United Way fundraiser meeting at work. Same crap, different year!

I am so tired of every year they come in asking for you to "Increase your donation" because they have new programs they need to fund.


Why is it that we have to find some new nitch that we need to throw money into?

Don't get me wrong, the United Way does good work for the most part. They help a lot of people! But to keep coming year after year asking you to fund new things that they come up with is just getting old!

Why is it they have a goal of raising donations by 3%...But I don't get a 3% raise every year. So they expect me to keep living on less and less so they can give my money away to more and more people...I don't think so.

I do donate, but I have not raised my donation in the last 7 years. They can do with what I give them and that's it.

I know many people who don't even give anything at work...But they have been shafted by the United Way in some shape or form. I can understand.

Once again...You really want to help the poor and underprivileged? PASS THE FAIR TAX!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Raven used to brag that 40% of Raven employees benefited from United Way donations. Umm, maybe pay your people instead...

10/13/2005 05:50:00 PM  
Blogger Stepping Stones said...

You're all going to hell you cheap bastards! LOL

So I take it your list of 100 things about you would say something like, hasn't increased my United Way donation in 7 years and likes to give a good spank? ;)

10/16/2005 08:38:00 PM  
Blogger James said...

Just saying...I am not giving more to a group that can't focus on one objective. That's all.

Plus...Who says I won't spank???

10/16/2005 08:49:00 PM  
Blogger Stepping Stones said...

I didn't say you didn't spank. I'm glad you spank. Spanking is good. God bless the man that spanks. lol

Plus, when I said you all were cheap bastards it was me giving you shit. It's what I like to do. Ask Master of DVD..he he he

Lastly, come about a list of 10? lol

10/16/2005 11:48:00 PM  

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