Monday, November 14, 2005

Disabled woman sues doctor for letting her be born

A blind and deaf Australian woman who claims she never should have been born is suing a doctor for a lifetime of suffering in the country's first "wrongful life" suit.

My fucking god! What else can we do to screw shit up!?!?!?

Let's starts suing our teachers for giving us F's in school!

Let's start suing our bosses for paying us less than we are worth and making us get up every weekday morning to goto work!

Let's start suing our favorite NFL team for making us look bad when we wear our gear after they lose!

Do people not see this as a problem?

Here I thought this was just an American problem of being sue happy. But I guess the sickness has spread to the other side of the world.

Maybe this chick should have been aborted for just being stupid?

read more | digg story


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