Saturday, December 10, 2005

San Diego...

It was another great trip home.

Met up with my friend Jason. Had not seen him in I would say over 16 years. I can't put into words how good it was to see him again. Is my best friend when I was growing up. It's good to have a friend in San Diego again. It makes it very tempting to move back out there.

We met him at Hooters then went over to Karl Strauss for a few more drinks. Man there was a lot of good beer drank this weekend.

Sunday morning at about 9:30AM we hit a nice bar called "Gaslamp Tavern". Its a nice little bar. Even tho the $10 "special" for pitchers and $5 for a 20oz Miller Lite tap. Not used to paying twice the amount for the same beer as out here. But I guess you have no choice.

Jason did meet up with us to hang so we had to get a group pic. I am pretty sure I will be hitting this bar next time I go out there.

Left there about halfway through the 2nd game to head for the stadium. Was a fun game with many great fans. I need some of these shirts!

We hit Dave and Busters after the win. They had a post game radio show after the game there. So we met a few Chargers. Like Jamal Williams. An old school player Hank Bauer. I loved him growing up, he was a beast. The punter Mike Scifres. Our place kicker Nate Kaeding. Lorenzo Neal is a beast in himself.(Just a note...I didn't take the fuzzy pic) :) This one took a while to figure out (its so hard without the helmets and numbers) but its David Binn the long snapper.

All in all it was a blast. Not much could have made it better. But maybe the next trip I will find something that will.

Go Chargers!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice pics that you got to track down some players after the game.

Where are the hooters pics? The telephoto lens pics of the cheerleaders? C'mon man...

12/11/2005 10:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good times! So good to see you! thank Tanya again for dinner. Hopefully we'll see you soon! :)

12/13/2005 06:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why must my nemesis smile you ask - I don't know I am only "crushing your head"....Nate...

12/16/2005 11:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why no post of the "tough guy" icture??? ;-)

12/17/2005 09:12:00 PM  

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