Saturday, March 25, 2006

Illegal immigrants have rights???

Oh hell no!

I am seriously getting tired of all these morons who march through the streets saying that we are prejudice against immigrants. That we hate people who come to this country from countries like Mexico.

Bullshit...We are against people who are breaking our laws by coming into this country ILLEGALLY! They are criminals right when they walk across that border.

I am not against people coming to this country who want to work, make their lives better, and aid our society. But who can we do that when most of these illegals come in and jump on our welfare system and suck us dry?

All our legislators want to do is make sure these criminals don't get benefits that legal citizens deserve and need. That legal citizens (like I) are paying for through our ridiculously high tax rate and federal (and some state) deficits.

This isn't even starting into our terrorist problem! If we don't secure our borders to know who is coming in and out of this country...Someone who is very bad will be walking across that border sometime and thousands of people are going to pay for it with their lives.

We need our military on the border (we are one of the only countries in the world who doesn't have their military on their border) and we need to make sure that nobody gets across without us knowing who it is.

There are an estimated 10 million people (I think that was the number) in this country illegally that we don't know who or where they are. Does that not scare you? It should.
Side note...I know I have not posted in a while...Been busy. Vegas pics coming soon.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Kirby Puckett 1960-2006

I know I have not made a post in a while, but I had to tonight.

Today was the passing of my 2nd favorite baseball player, Kirby Puckett.

It was him that made me like the Twins. Mainly because he was a player like Tony Gwynn.

Great player, great love for the game, a smile that would make you want to cheer for him even tho he wasn't playing for your team.

Today is a sad day for baseball. A life of a man that was cut way to short, just like his career. A day that everyone is getting excited for the start of the baseball season...But it just doesn't seem that big anymore.

Kirby...Thanks for the fun, thanks for the smile,and thanks for being bigger than the game. You are missed.