Sunday, November 28, 2004

How bout them CHARGERS!

Boy...This is turning out to be a good year. Were not winning by a lot...But were getting the mark in the win column. Hard to argue about that. :)

Was a good day all around watching football. But wasn't the best week for me picking games.

God I don't feel like going to work tomorrow. Cant I just curl up in bed all day? :(

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Beer is good!

Well, I went out last night to Old Chicago for the start of the Winter Beer Mini-Tour. Was a nice little get together. (even tho the meatballs we had last night don't smell as good as they did last night)

I would also like to thank Pat and Mitch for taking that 21-1 shuffleboard thumping from me and my partner Dorothy. That was very enjoyable. :)

Only problem I had with it last night was when they were giving away prizes, they had you write your name on the ticket you turned in. The way it looked to us, was the person drawing the names was going through them and pulling out his buddies. That was just plain wrong. So this one table was piled high with stuff. But late in the night I win 2 t-shirts within 5 min of each other and the guy doesn't want to give me the 2nd one because I already won. WHAT ABOUT HIS BUDDIES!!!!

Oh well...Not everyone can be as honest as I. :)

Saturday, November 20, 2004

The results...

Ok, it has been a couple days since I have received the results of my blood tests.

The verdict is...Everything is fine except my cholesterol is around 250. So...Loosely translated my doctor said "Lose some weight fatass!". So I guess I had better start doing it again.

Maximum density for me was around 270 pounds. Right now I am around 240. Was down around 215 earlier in the year. I need to get back down to that...Maybe lower.

Brotha gotta start eating even more salads. Not to mention get off of my lazy ass.

He wants to see me in the middle of February so I don't have much time to make this better in. Will keep you posted.

Monday, November 15, 2004

I can admit it...

God I am such a wuss.

Went and had my blood drawn this morning. 4 freaking vial's worth! Jeez...Leave me some!

But man my arm is sore. I know, I am a wuss...but I really hate needles...

Just hope they find my chart (since she spent 15 min trying to find it before she took me back) since I had to explain to them what I needed done. Better not lose those vials...I don't want to go do this again. :(

Friday, November 12, 2004


Don't know if the chill in the air is the weather or some of the comments to my posts?

Been a long week, but not an entirely bad week. Football Sunday and Monday, Bowled well Tuesday, threw my best night of darts of the season last night.

But there is one touch of bad news this week. My favorite TV show has basicly been fraged like a pink armored goon from Halo2. TheScreenSavers on G4TechTV is being "revamped" as they say. Ever since G4 has taken over TechTV, they have run it into the ground. They are making it all about gaming and not about computers. If I want to see a gaming review I WILL GOTO THE GAMES WEBSITE OR IGN!!! I want to see and hear people calling in about their computer problems! I want to see Yoshi break out another great mod that will inspire people like me to mod their own computer pimp style. I want to see Sarah looking cute as ever but show us some really cool stuff that I am too dumb to understand (smart chicks are cool).

Its a bad day, but to all those who got let go by G4...All my best. Thanks for the happiness that you have given me. I am sure that you all will move on to even better things because the good ones always do.

But as for me, after I send my nastygram to G4...I am writing my cable company to drop the channel. No reason to watch it anymore (which I have heard that many have already dropped the channel on their dish and cable companies since they only paid the extra for all those channels to watch that one station) and maybe we can get something "decent" in its place.

Well...heading up to see the family in a few hours...should be a good weekend.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Cant talk bad about it if its free...

Well...tried to make a post yesterday but the post page would never load. Glad I am not paying for my blog yet. But maybe in the future...

Got done bowling in a no-tap tournament. I did ok I guess, throwing a 718. 2nd game kinda killed me. But overall I am happy with my performance. (my partner threw a 158 the 2nd game tho... boy that screwed us) We might be close to placing...we will just have to see after the next weekend.

As for the accident update...Still need to get an estimate. Sounds like the other driver admitted to the cop that he F'd up. So his insurance is kinda screwed and is at my mercy. I know they will not want to fix my car since it is not worth the damage done to it. So I will be happy to take a check made out to me.

As for my injury, I am soso. Been fighting headaches all week, including the migraine yesterday. (This is only the 3rd migraine in my I can figure what it was from) So I am at the mercy of my chiropractor. We are at 3 visits a week right now. If next week goes well I am sure we will be down to 2 a week. Just glad its not my insurance paying for this. :)

Well...Football tomorrow. Go Chargers!!!

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

New day dawning

Boy...If you read the last comments from my readers, you would notice that they are leaving the country.

Have a nice time...and remember you are still protected by us. *darn freeloaders*

Boy, its really sad how you people are. You all hate. You always talk about how you hate.

Im sorry, I don't hate. I disagree with what Kerry stood for. But I did not hate him.

You really have to look into yourself and get a grip on why you hate so much. Try looking at positives a little more and maybe your lives will be better.

Looking toward the future... Merlin Out!

Oh happy day!

I don't think anything can bring me down today!

"W" with the big win. Tom Daschle finally removed from his roost.
Ohhhhhhh...Im ready to dance in the street.

I would just like to thank America for figuring it all out and knowing
that the terrorists wanted Kerry to win.


God bless America and may we continue to stay safe.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Not the best day...

Left work today at 3:30 and by 3:40 I was standing at the side of the road looking funny at the guy who ran into the back of my car. Once again, Im in a car accident that was not my fault.

I was sitting at the stoplight behind a couple othere stopped cars. When I look in my mirror and see him coming at me. I knew he wasn't going to stop, so I put my foot down on the brake and leaned back in the seat. I think it saved me a little pain.

He said "oh...your brake lights turned off so I thought you were driving again"... Yeah... WITH A RED LIGHT STILL UP THERE AND 5 CARS IN FRONT OF ME!?!?!?!" But I didn't say anything to "Mustafa" (yes...thats his name).

So...I called the fuzz and then called my chiropractor. Spent 90 min there getting looked at. Now will be seeing him 3 times a week for the next 2 weeks.

Anyway, I left the scene with my citation (me the bonehead didnt have my proof of insurance, but at least I had the policy number). :) Will have to get that fixed tomorrow (if im not sore as hell). Hell...who knows if I will be able to go to work. (that really breaks my heart)

Anyway...the fun part now begins...the settlement...

Stay at 11.

Also, everyone remember... Republicans vote on Tuesday, Democrats vote on Weds.

Go W!!!! (You would think that after Bin Laden made his vote for Kerry known, people would be changing their mind and vote for Bush. Lets only hope some people are smart enough to figure it out)