Monday, October 24, 2005

Serenity breaks $30 million worldwide over weekend

Joss Whedon's "Serenity" broke $30 million worldwide this past weekend. According to fan lore, this achievement puts it on track for a sequel. Check out this breakdown of its progress to date.

(Anyone who has not seen this movie yet should be taken out back, beaten and shot. Ok...Maybe not shot.)

read more | digg story

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Freaking refs!

I can not believe how lousy the refs in the NFL have been this year.

That is all I am going to say about it...or else they might fine me $20,000 for telling the truth also.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

100 Things about me... (Fn Finally!)

I can not believe how hard this was!

But I really hate talking about myself so that may have played into it.

Here goes nothing!

1.I really want a Beagle.
2.I hate boxer underwear.
3.I've never been married.
4.I've never been in love.
5.I know more people don't like me than like me.
6.I don't lie.
7.I love beer, but don't drink at home.
8.Adult Swim costs me more sleep than anything.
9.I am tired of being alone.
10.I am depressed 90% of the time but hide it well.
11.I have thought of killing myself many a time but never even came close to doing it.
12.I absolutely refuse to be jealous.
13.I love to watch cartoons.
14.I consider myself a geek.
15.I absolutely hate reality TV.
16.I am a lot more sensitive than I let on.
17.I have a list, just in case I do decide to go postal.
18.I cherish my quiet time.
19.People who say they “can't quit smoking” bug the shit out of me.
20.I truly believe I don't deserve some of my friends.
21.90% of the time I feel I don't belong.
22.I have never felt I was good looking.
23.I am tired of being “large”.
24.I can't stand relying on people.
25.My big mouth often gets me into trouble.
26.I am lucky to have parents that love me and brought me up right.
27.I have one person who I trust with everything that is "me".
28.I believe the war in Iraq is still worth it.
29.I wear shorts year round.
30.I believe San Diego is still my home.
31.I still want children.
32.I am way too competitive.
33.I seriously believe certain people need to die.
34.I have broken both arms and a finger.
35.I own 132 bobble heads (so far).
36.I get motion sickness easy.
37.My heart has been broken more times than I can count.
38.I believe bowling is the one thing I am truly good at.
39.I have been to 21 states.
40.I have NEVER done illegal drugs.
41.I never realized that I liked school until I was done with it.
42.I don't like horror flicks.
43.Strip clubs just don't do it for me.
44.I can't believe I am 34 years old.
45.I believe that all men and women who want to have kids should wait till their 30 and are financially stable.
46.I hate weddings and avoid them at almost all costs.
47.I know I am right...even sometimes when I am wrong.
48.I love to play NTN trivia at the bar.
49.I like soy milk better than real milk.
50.I am the only person in my family who has never smoked.
51.I can't sleep with anyone else in the bed.
52.Coors Light is so bad it needs to be banned.
53.People think they know me, but they have not a clue.
54.I can admit when I did something wrong and take the blame.
55.I think Hillary Clinton is bad for the country.
56.I wish I had more ambition.
57.I believe that rich people deserve to be rich.
58.I don't own a suit.
59.I am a sucker for redheads.
60.I am the only child in my family without a tattoo.
61.I grew up christian, am now agnostic.
62.I am the same online as I am in real life.
63.I don't find Paris Hilton attractive at all.
64.I own 3 handguns.
65.I never thought I would live past 32.
66.I love professional wrestling.
67.I'm not afraid to fly, unless it's over the ocean.
68.Spider-man and Wolverine have always been my favorite super heroes.
69.I believe the “Fair Tax” will save this country.
70.Unless I'm sick, I can't take a nap. It messes me up.
71.I wash my hands over 12 times a day. Borders on OCD.
72.I love the rain.
73.I believe women rule the world, they just don't want the men to know.
74.Killing people online has kept me sane.
75.I try very hard not to judge people, but the first impression is a lot to me.
76.My biggest fear is going blind.
77.I have never been arrested.
78.I have been shot down so many times I have learned it's not even worth trying.
79.I love visiting new places, but I never seem to go anywhere.
80.I care about others a lot more than I care about myself.
81.I learned the meaning of the word “cope” a long time ago.
82.I have turned down sex.
83.My second biggest fear is opening my heart to someone.
84.I really don't like to be touched. Only certain people can without me wanting to move away from them.
85.I can't stand going to the doctor and will avoid it if I can.
86.I don't go to movies unless someone goes with me.
87.I love spicy food...all the way up to burn your ass the next morning spicy.
88.I think the DVR is the greatest invention on the planet! (I love my ReplayTV)
89.I have used the handle MerlinTW for about 20 years now online.
90.I started bowling when I was 2.
91.I have never mowed a lawn.
92.I've been to Disneyland many times...But never Disneyworld.
93.Cheese is heaven!
94.I can't spell worth a is my favorite bookmark.
95.I have never had a surgery.
96.I REALLY hate needles.
97.I want to lose 10 pounds by December 3rd.
98.I am a grump in the morning for about 2 hours.
99.I have lived in Hawaii, California, Arizona and South Dakota.
100.I will never live in a small town again. Drove me nuts having nothing to do!

100 things?

A couple of blogs I read were doing a "100 things about me" theme.

At first I said "Bah...", but now I said "Eh...What the hell!".

Now about 5 hours later I am only at #80.

We will see if I can get this finished today and posted by tonight.

This is harder (and more torture) than I thought.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

WTF is wrong with people?

Ok...I can understand you are upset about being poor or something but please!

Why the F would you burn down your neighborhood?

Why the F do people riot like this?

Sure, you don't like what is going on (sure...A white supremacist group is demonstrating...Yes...That's not good. But still...) but why the hell do you burn down your own neighborhood?

These "people" were even throwing baseball size rocks at ambulances!

Do you really think that these people that had rocks thrown at their windshields while they were coming to aid people of YOUR neighborhood will even want to ever help you again? Do you really think that when they find out that there is a call again to that neighborhood that they will really hurry to get there to help anyone?

I just can't believe the stupidity of people!

How bout you think about HELPING your neighborhood instead of DESTROYING it!

Did not you people even watch places like LA when they destroyed their neighborhoods?

It's not that damn hard to figure out! Get a damn education! The rest of us did! IT'S FREE!!!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

You can't have my money...There isn't any left!

We just had our annual United Way fundraiser meeting at work. Same crap, different year!

I am so tired of every year they come in asking for you to "Increase your donation" because they have new programs they need to fund.


Why is it that we have to find some new nitch that we need to throw money into?

Don't get me wrong, the United Way does good work for the most part. They help a lot of people! But to keep coming year after year asking you to fund new things that they come up with is just getting old!

Why is it they have a goal of raising donations by 3%...But I don't get a 3% raise every year. So they expect me to keep living on less and less so they can give my money away to more and more people...I don't think so.

I do donate, but I have not raised my donation in the last 7 years. They can do with what I give them and that's it.

I know many people who don't even give anything at work...But they have been shafted by the United Way in some shape or form. I can understand.

Once again...You really want to help the poor and underprivileged? PASS THE FAIR TAX!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Serenity Movie... WoWzA!

Just got to see Serenity...I loved it!

It was all I wanted it to be and a bag of chips, and a bag of popcorn, and a large soda, and not to mention a candy bar!

It gave some surprises...Stuff I sure the hell wasn't expecting! It sure will be interesting to see what they do with it when the sequel comes out (and there will be one!).

If you have not seen it yet...GO! If you have seen it...GO AGAIN! (you know you want to)

I seriously have not heard from anyone that they did not like this movie. Even the hardcore fans (go Browncoats!). If a movie can satisfy their base...Then it must be worthy of a lot more!

Thanks Joss! Its a masterpiece!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Blog spam...

Ok...Blogger needs to do something about this spam that keeps ending up in my comments.

If people want to advertise on my blog...They can freaking pay me for it. I'm a capitalist! It isn't below me!

But to run bots (and maybe even real people) posting crap in my comments and then referring to some other site...That's just BS!

Come on Google...Step up!

(Not to mention doing a spell check on this post and blog, Google, and Blogger are not even in the dictionary! You would think they would have at least their company name listed in it!)

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Ok...bad enough everyone is against the Padres being in the playoffs.

Bad enough the first game had almost everything for us go wrong.

Found out our ace Jake Peavy is out with a broken rib. :(

So much for our chances. :(