Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Up yours New Yorkers!!!

It's odd that I have a road rage problem but live in a city that is safest to drive in.

I do believe it tho...I don't see many accidents in Sioux Falls.

I have been in one accident in this town but it wasn't my fault. I got rear ended when I was sitting still at a red light behind 4 other stopped cars. (Way to go Mustafa)

Wish I could have taken part in the free gas they were giving away this morning...But heard about it on the way to work. Plus it's a little out of my way.

I may still flip a few people the bird...But at least they say I am safe. :)

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Damn headache...

Woke up this morning with a headache...I didn't even drink last night! I feel like such an underachiever.

I really don't understand these things. How can you stay home, behave, watch TV, and still wake up with your head pounding? I thought sleep equals rest!

It is so very true that some days...It's just not worth rolling out of bed.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Can you believe this?

Ok, I have been serious about gaming on occasion myself...But this is ridiculous!

Number one...That is no way to use a firearm. Now if someone was stealing my computer...Then I would use a firearm. That bastard would be going down!

Number two...It's just a game! Not anything to get all worked over about.

Wait, I got it! I think he just wanted to play and the kid wouldn't let him! :)

Poor about dead pixels.