Friday, September 30, 2005

I'm late but "WAY TO GO FRIARS!!!"

Congrats to the 2005 National League West Champion San Diego Padres!!!

But to all the ass burgers (reporters) who poopoo them for making the playoffs and having a chance to win the World Series I say "screw you!".

If the Friars are so terrible then the other teams in the playoffs will be able to knock them out. If that happens fine! But if we win it all it is because these so called "better teams" couldn't knock us out of the playoffs. Guess whose fault that is? THEIRS!

You can't take this title away from us no matter how bad you make us sound. The Padres are the NL West Champs...Deal with it!

Good luck guys! I will be cheering!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Why the fuck is this a pitty party!!!!

Ok...I got confirmation tonight that I am an assbag on occasion.

Makes me sad to hear that from friends but makes me aware that I need to work on things.

Just bugs me that I have not realized this long ago.

For a guy that would never intentionally hurt his friends...I sure am a lousy friend.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

This made me feel better...

It's better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you are not.
-- Andre Gide

Kinda brings things back into perspective a little for me.

Fn brilliant!

Monday, September 26, 2005

Another one bites the dust...

Why is it that no matter how good my intentions are I always go and screw things up?

I always seem to hurt people I care about some way.

Its really irritating...Along with makes me feel like a total piece of shit.

Sure...I most likely deserve to feel like a piece of shit. Maybe I just really don't get it and am a total moron.

It's just not worth trying most of the time I guess. Less damage will be done if I would learn to keep my big mouth shut.

I've learned my lesson

Never hand a woman a sharp object unless you want to get stabbed with it.

Yes...Blood was spilled...and it was mine.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Death to Eli...

Well...Not exactly.

I just want Eli Manning to get his leg broken this weekend against the Chargers.

It worked when Michael Vick after he didn't want to play for us. I cursed him with a broken leg and it happened.

You should play for who drafts you. Get off your high horse and do it the way it was meant to work...Worst teams get the best players in the draft.

The fans better get off their asses and get to the game. We need to win this one and there is still 1000 tickets left to be sold and if they aren't sold...Blackout in San Diego. Our first nationally televised game in 5 years and they are going to be blacked out...Bullshit!

Go Boltz!

Friday, September 16, 2005

Ok...I said there would be a second part...

I've been depressed all week since I have come back from my trip.

I realized that I miss San Diego more than I thought.

When I was there I felt like I belonged. I have never felt that way here...ever. But no matter where I was there...I did.

Don't get me wrong, I have great friends here and I love Sioux Falls...But it's not home. I always knew where home was...Just didn't know it was that strong.

The question is...What do I do about it? I don't know if there is anything I can do other than cope. Maybe hope that it will pass. Something has to give...Eventually something will.

It is truly odd to go from being in total bliss to devastated like that. Especially when you didn't see either coming...

Either way...I don't think I said this the way I wanted to. But it will have to do.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

San Diego Super Chargers!!!! (almost)

What a weekend!

I am going to make this post just about the fun I had this weekend.

My friend Tanya invited me to goto a Chargers game in San Diego. It was a freaking great time!

Our beloved Boltz got short changed in the game but it was still fun as shit. There is nothing like being on the home turf. It's like family time.

Hit many a place...Dicks Last Resort, Hooters, Rock Bottom, Seau's and Dave and Busters were just some places we ate at. Most were downtown. All were fun! (except for when I broke my glass at Hooters and got a "sippy cup" *thanks T*) Even tho I got my ass kicked at shooting hoops and skeeball at D&B...I still had a blast (thanks again T).

Riding the Trolley, going to Jack Murphy Stadium (I refuse to call it the other name), Seaport Village, Silver Strand Beach and all the other stuff I remember when I was a kid made me feel so good. I was the happiest I have been in a very long time.

Adding Petco Park to the mix is great. That is one BEAUTIFUL ballpark. I need to go and see the Padres there VERY soon!

Good times, good company, good game, and good beer (just not the $7.25 ones at the stadium). I will never forget this trip.

Thanks for the invite T...I owe ya big time. If you need anyone killed I might think about it. :)

(oh...And the "sippy cup"...Yes...It was hilarious)

But boy I have been depressed ever since I left...

Saturday, September 10, 2005

The final trip is here...

Two weeks ago it was Minneapolis. Last week was Cleveland. Today...SAN DIEGO BABY!

Leave in a few hours for the wonderful plane ride *rolls eyes* to Americas Finest City.

Its been 15 years since I have been back home...This is going to be interesting.

My friend Tanya and I are going out there for the Chargers NFL opener...I can't wait.

Don't get me wrong...The last 2 trips have been great! (like this pic from PA)

I warn you about those atomic wings...Made my stomach do flips!

I am now about an hour before I head to the airport. Everyone behave till I get back!

Hopefully we will have an earthquake while I am out there! I have not been in a good one for years! :)

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

So tired...

Got back from my trip to the Western Pennsylvania area and boy are my arms tired.

Actually, most of me is tired. I seriously could have used another 2 hours of sleep but oh well. It's my week to come in early to work.

I still feel funny tho. On Saturday night, we went out to Quaker Steak and Lube and Mr. Macho had to have the Atomic Wings again. I have had them before and was not impressed. I finished all 6 that I ordered. But this time they kicked my ass (stomach really). I could only finish 3 of them and my stomach was turning over and over. Its like the 3 beers I used to put out the fire and the wings were wrestling in my gut. I am still not fully recovered. Somehow I don't think I will do that again. I've done it twice...That's enough.

Overall it was a good trip. Even if I did have to sit in the Minneapolis airport for a 3 hour layover. But I guess it is better than flying in around 11pm like I usually tend to.

Now comes my final trip (I think) of the year. Leave on Saturday for San Diego. I really can't wait. Will be the first time in 15 years I get to go home. I am sure a lot has changed...I just hope I find the time to see it all.