Sunday, January 29, 2006

Nuff said...

Scars by Papa Roach...

Now if I would just listen to myself...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

'Family Guy's' Stewie hosting Web talk show

Is it just me or will this turn out to be one of the biggest hits the web video has ever seen?

If this show can be half as good as "Space Ghost:Coast to Coast", I will be watching.

How can it not be? It's freakin' Stewie Lois!!!!

Just wish it was on now... BLAST!!!

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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Funny people are attractive, scientists find

According to Nature, "Studies suggest humour signals big brain and good partner-potential."

Here I thought I had a pretty good sense of humor and am above average in the funny department...

Guess I need some new material since I am still single.

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Friday, January 20, 2006

10 Reasons Why the Income Tax System will Collapse in the Next 10 Years

Futurist Thomas Frey from the DaVinci Institute poses some very interesting arguments about why technology will lead to the downfall of the US Income Tax System within the next ten years. Taxes won't go away, just the overly complicated income tax system will.


I have talked about this before, and will again...

Write your Senators and Congressmen and tell them to support the Fair Tax.

I am tired of seeing our country fall behind to the rest of the world. Lets abolish the corporate tax system and return jobs to this country!

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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Screw you Pakistan!

These bozo's are chanting in the streets because we bombed the shit out of a mud hut that was occupied by terrorists.

Sure, there might have been a few innocents there but for god sakes if you can't clean up the trash in your own country then we have to.

If these piece of crap countries don't crack down on these murdering bastards and stop them from murdering innocent people then I am perfectly well with a little collateral damage in the process.

At least we are getting the people who murder the innocents for no reason...They just murder the innocent.

So as a great robot once said...Pakistan!!! "Kiss my shiny metal ass!"

Public Service Announcement...

In my experience, 70% of guys do not wash their hands after going to the bathroom...

So think about that the next time you shake someone's hand!

Friday, January 13, 2006

Friday the 13th...

Boy...I just don't have the drive to hit today running. Being Friday the 13th I am bound to trip and fall on my face.

So...Those of you with paraskevidekatriaphobia hide under your bed.

Let's just hope that my friend who is having minor surgery today doesn't have it.

No way I would take the chance.

Monday, January 09, 2006

More of this crap?

I am seriously getting tired of people saying that video games are ruining kids!

I believe I have harped on this once or twice but F me!

I have been playing video games for what...25 years?

I can't even count how many aliens, monsters, terrorists, cops, and hostages I have killed in my lifetime! Guess what!!!

I HAVE NEVER KILLED ANYONE IN REAL LIFE! I have never been arrested, never killed a kitten, and I don't go around strapping fire crackers to frogs.

Get over yourselves...And quit wasting money on stupid studies. Ever hear of AIDS! Lets cure that!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Fatal1ty loses challenge at CES

Fatal1ty loses, the unfortunately (for him) named �Try to Beat Fatal1ty� Event at CES in a match that was described as �beautiful intensity".

All I can say is...After I got my ass handed to me by him last year I am glad that he got beat by someone.

Just wish I was there so I could get a rematch. :)

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Thursday, January 05, 2006

Happy Freaking New Year

No big deal to me. I stayed home and didn't even drink.

I am such a good boy...

I am trying to stay calm over my USC Trojans giving that game up to Texas.

They lost it...Texas didn't win it.

Anyway...main thing I am upset about is that I was at the Consumer Electronics Show last year in Vegas. (if you didn't know...GET READING! Your behind on this blog!)

God I wish I was there. It's just geek heaven!

Next year I will go now that I have a lead on passes. She better not let me down! :)