Monday, November 28, 2005

Ok...Its officially freaking cold!

We now have received our first big snow of the year. (This pic wasn't even during the bad part at all!)

Most are calling it a blizzard but I have seen worse.

We are to get 6-10 inches of snow today and through the night.

Let's just say that I really can't wait for me to be boarding that plane on Saturday morning for San Diego and the 62 degrees that they are talking about for the weekend.

I can handle snow...I just really don't like the cold. I'm a California boy...In other words a wuss.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

I don't think my heart can take anymore!

I swear I am going to die of a heart attack during a Charger game this year.

How many more times are we going to give teams every chance to beat us.

But at least it came out in the end today...We actually caught a break for once this year and took a close game.

Saturday we leave for San Diego to see us kick the crap out of the stinkin Raiders.

If we would have lost this game today it basically would have made next weeks game worthless. So I am glad they came through for me. :) (Even tho the trip would still be totally worth it, my friend wouldn't let it be boring)

Man this is going to be a long week!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Viva Le Blogs!

Ok, a friend told me about this and I just laughed.

The power of blogs is just skyrocketing.

This is the greatest example of free speech and the easiest way to spread the thought of free speech to the world. Well...Except in China where they hang you by your tidily winks if you even think of speaking out.

Screw you China!!! (God I love being American!)

Anyway, back to France. Personally, I wouldn't have shut down the blogs. They were the cops number one way of seeing what was going to happen and being ready for it. But alas...Its the French.

Instead of breaking out the guns and shooting these bastards, they let them tear up neighborhoods, burn thousands of cars, and kill innocent people. To me a few well placed bullets in the foreheads of some of these murdering vandals would have slowed this roaring riot down to a quiet purr.

For god sakes, they were killing people! Put a damn stop to it! Stupid rifle dropping French! (Once again...Love being an American!)

Anyway, in the back of my mind I now know...I just might be able to start my own revolution with a blog. Will keep that in mind if I ever get too bored (or just royally pissed off).

Monday, November 21, 2005


I think I am getting sick.

Kinda hit me at 6:30 this morning.

Woke up at 4AM. Don't ask me why.

We will see how long I last today...

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Some people just don't get it...

I don't know why...because it is obvious to me...

Oh well...

Monday, November 14, 2005

Disabled woman sues doctor for letting her be born

A blind and deaf Australian woman who claims she never should have been born is suing a doctor for a lifetime of suffering in the country's first "wrongful life" suit.

My fucking god! What else can we do to screw shit up!?!?!?

Let's starts suing our teachers for giving us F's in school!

Let's start suing our bosses for paying us less than we are worth and making us get up every weekday morning to goto work!

Let's start suing our favorite NFL team for making us look bad when we wear our gear after they lose!

Do people not see this as a problem?

Here I thought this was just an American problem of being sue happy. But I guess the sickness has spread to the other side of the world.

Maybe this chick should have been aborted for just being stupid?

read more | digg story

RIP Eddie Guerrero 1967-2005

It always brings me down when someone that has brought me such joy passes on.

Today, it is Eddie Guerrero

I have stated in an earlier post that I like pro wrestling. It's just fun to let go and watch this male soap opera happen. To watch these athletes (in my opinion, the greatest in the world) work their craft, take their bumps, and go do it again the next night is amazing.

Some people will say some bad stuff, some people will speculate on what happened and assume it was bad, but all I know is that a great performer who I loved to watch is gone forever.

Adios Eddie! My first beer tonight is for you!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Gaming in style!

I just went and bought the Logitech G15 Keyboard yesterday and I must say...IT'S F'N GREAT!

Had some RewardZone certificates and some of those Best Buy Bucks from McDonalds that I had to use. So they keyboard only really cost me $20. But those rip off artists at Best Buy sure know how to screw you tho. Logitech says the keyboard should sell for $79.99. I found it online for $65. Best Buy (which the name is a lie in itself) was selling them for $83.99! You would think a company that large could get a bulk discount and pass it on to their customers. Hell no...They pocket the difference. We need a Fry's Electronics and we need one now!!!

Ok...Calm down...

Smooth keystrokes, programmable macro keys, backlit keys, LCD display that can show anything from the time of day to who's talking to you on Teamspeak. This thing is a geeks dream come true.

There is only one problem and it's not really the keyboards fault.

I use a keyboard drawer under my desk...And this keyboard is like 3 inches wider than a normal keyboard. IT DOESN'T FIT IN MY DRAWER! :(

So now I can't slide the drawer back in. I have to leave it out and it is very uncomfortable to do anything on now.

I didn't think that buying this thing would be so much trouble that I would have to mod my desk to accommodate it.

Oh well...I am not taking it back! :)

Saturday, November 05, 2005

How the MPAA killed the movie theater experience

And the movie industry is wondering why people are no longer spending as much on going to the movies and buying the overpriced popcorn as they used to. This is a must read!

I don't like to be touched by strange men MPAA!

read more | digg story

Friday, November 04, 2005

Oh what FUN!!!

Now this is what I call a good time!

For a $1 donation you get to blow the shit out of the tallest building in South Dakota!

I would be all over this. Even if I didn't get the chance to push the button...I would still go and watch it get blown up.

It's great because it is right on the other side of the river from my work. And we have a 6 floor building right there...So I could go up to 5th floor and tape it with my camera.

The kicker of this whole thing is...I WILL BE ON A PLANE!!! :( I won't be anywhere near it when it goes up. So I can't wait till I get home and see it go up on the local news sites.

Sigh...It would have been good times...

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

And the brakes go out...

Sure, everyone who sees my car thinks its a piece of shit and says "When are you getting a new one?"...BAH!

There is nothing wrong with it!

Well, except for the brakes, the paint job, and the digital dash is acting up again. But I don't have a car payment!

I will never have a car payment again! I have been putting money aside and will buy another used car in the spring (I hope).

Until then...I am stuck.

I just went and bought parts to fix the brakes, pads and rotors. I seriously thought rotors would be twice that much. So I am glad it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

But now I need to wait until my friend gets some time to come over and help me get these things changed. So might be a few days. (I know...I am not kidding anyone. I won't be much help)

It just has me a little ticked because stuff like this happens all the time when you don't have cash on hand to pay for it.

Guess that's life.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Went and saw DOOM over the weekend. It was all I thought it would be.

Mostly just a shoot em up, some action, not much story, but enough for a sequel.

I doubt there will be one tho.

Hell...The game DOOM 3 scared me a lot more than the movie did. I couldn't play the game in the dark anymore half way through it.

Yes...I am a wuss.