Finally got something that I bought off of eBay a few days ago. Took me over 2 weeks to get it after I paid for it. (which was totally rediculous because the bozo wouldn't answer my damn emails about it...But thats another story)
Now...It was about a 9 pound box. I was charged $32 to ship it. He said he would ship it USPS. He charges me PLENTY to send it Priority Mail. He would still have a few dollars left for a handling charge (even tho he didn't buy any packing material...He had the original box and packing). He sends it parcel post which costs half of what he charged me for shipping.
Ok...I sell on eBay myself. But I don't try to rape people with ridiculous shipping costs! I have even given a shipping refund once. I was wrong on how much it was going to cost to ship the item so I refunded a few dollars. I just didn't think it was right.
I usually add a little handling charge onto my auctions of course. Takes care of eBay selling fees and the Paypal usage charges. I find nothing wrong with that. But there are these guys who take your money because the shipping charges don't get charged by eBay. So it is pure profit for the seller!
Another case...There are some people selling copies of a "restore disk" for the product I bought. I see that these CD's that they burn are going for about $7 a piece. Ok...That's no problem for me...I don't mind paying for their work in writing the stuff on this disk. BUT...They are charging $5 for shipping of a freaking CD! It doesn't even cost $1 to ship this with the cost of the bubble envelope included!
So the lesson here is kiddies...
"When shopping on eBay...Notice the good prices first...But before you decide to bid notice the shipping charges. The other auction that is $10 more might be the better deal in the long run because they are charging ACTUAL shipping charges unlike the leech that I bought from."