I can not believe how hard this was!
But I really hate talking about myself so that may have played into it.
Here goes nothing!
1.I really want a Beagle.
2.I hate boxer underwear.
3.I've never been married.
4.I've never been in love.
5.I know more people don't like me than like me.
6.I don't lie.
7.I love beer, but don't drink at home.
8.Adult Swim costs me more sleep than anything.
9.I am tired of being alone.
10.I am depressed 90% of the time but hide it well.
11.I have thought of killing myself many a time but never even came close to doing it.
12.I absolutely refuse to be jealous.
13.I love to watch cartoons.
14.I consider myself a geek.
15.I absolutely hate reality TV.
16.I am a lot more sensitive than I let on.
17.I have a list, just in case I do decide to go postal.
18.I cherish my quiet time.
19.People who say they “can't quit smoking” bug the shit out of me.
20.I truly believe I don't deserve some of my friends.
21.90% of the time I feel I don't belong.
22.I have never felt I was good looking.
23.I am tired of being “large”.
24.I can't stand relying on people.
25.My big mouth often gets me into trouble.
26.I am lucky to have parents that love me and brought me up right.
27.I have one person who I trust with everything that is "me".
28.I believe the war in Iraq is still worth it.
29.I wear shorts year round.
30.I believe San Diego is still my home.
31.I still want children.
32.I am way too competitive.
33.I seriously believe certain people need to die.
34.I have broken both arms and a finger.
35.I own 132 bobble heads (so far).
36.I get motion sickness easy.
37.My heart has been broken more times than I can count.
38.I believe bowling is the one thing I am truly good at.
39.I have been to 21 states.
40.I have NEVER done illegal drugs.
41.I never realized that I liked school until I was done with it.
42.I don't like horror flicks.
43.Strip clubs just don't do it for me.
44.I can't believe I am 34 years old.
45.I believe that all men and women who want to have kids should wait till their 30 and are financially stable.
46.I hate weddings and avoid them at almost all costs.
47.I know I am right...even sometimes when I am wrong.
48.I love to play NTN trivia at the bar.
49.I like soy milk better than real milk.
50.I am the only person in my family who has never smoked.
51.I can't sleep with anyone else in the bed.
52.Coors Light is so bad it needs to be banned.
53.People think they know me, but they have not a clue.
54.I can admit when I did something wrong and take the blame.
55.I think Hillary Clinton is bad for the country.
56.I wish I had more ambition.
57.I believe that rich people deserve to be rich.
58.I don't own a suit.
59.I am a sucker for redheads.
60.I am the only child in my family without a tattoo.
61.I grew up christian, am now agnostic.
62.I am the same online as I am in real life.
63.I don't find Paris Hilton attractive at all.
64.I own 3 handguns.
65.I never thought I would live past 32.
66.I love professional wrestling.
67.I'm not afraid to fly, unless it's over the ocean.
68.Spider-man and Wolverine have always been my favorite super heroes.
69.I believe the “Fair Tax” will save this country.
70.Unless I'm sick, I can't take a nap. It messes me up.
71.I wash my hands over 12 times a day. Borders on OCD.
72.I love the rain.
73.I believe women rule the world, they just don't want the men to know.
74.Killing people online has kept me sane.
75.I try very hard not to judge people, but the first impression is a lot to me.
76.My biggest fear is going blind.
77.I have never been arrested.
78.I have been shot down so many times I have learned it's not even worth trying.
79.I love visiting new places, but I never seem to go anywhere.
80.I care about others a lot more than I care about myself.
81.I learned the meaning of the word “cope” a long time ago.
82.I have turned down sex.
83.My second biggest fear is opening my heart to someone.
84.I really don't like to be touched. Only certain people can without me wanting to move away from them.
85.I can't stand going to the doctor and will avoid it if I can.
86.I don't go to movies unless someone goes with me.
87.I love spicy food...all the way up to burn your ass the next morning spicy.
88.I think the DVR is the greatest invention on the planet! (I love my ReplayTV)
89.I have used the handle MerlinTW for about 20 years now online.
90.I started bowling when I was 2.
91.I have never mowed a lawn.
92.I've been to Disneyland many times...But never Disneyworld.
93.Cheese is heaven!
94.I can't spell worth a damn...Dictionary.com is my favorite bookmark.
95.I have never had a surgery.
96.I REALLY hate needles.
97.I want to lose 10 pounds by December 3rd.
98.I am a grump in the morning for about 2 hours.
99.I have lived in Hawaii, California, Arizona and South Dakota.
100.I will never live in a small town again. Drove me nuts having nothing to do!